Creating your own templates

Single Error Extractor Component

If you have a custom template that you want to use (and you most probably do), then you can use the singleErrorExtractorMixin. It will give you all you need to display a single field's errors.

Below is an example implementation of such a template, using the provided by the mixin computed properties.

  <div class="form-group" :class="{ error: hasErrors }">
    <div class="errors" v-if="hasErrors">
      <div class="error" v-for="error in activeErrorMessages">{{ error }}</div>

  import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from 'vuelidate-error-extractor'
  export default {
    mixins: [singleErrorExtractorMixin]

Now you can import the template and supply it to the initialize method's template option or register it yourself.

import Vue from 'vue'
import vuelidate from 'vuelidate'
import vuelidateErrorExtractor from 'vuelidate-error-extractor'

import customFormGroup from './path/to/formGroup.vue'

Vue.use(vuelidateErrorExtractor, {
  template: customFormGroup,
  messages: messages,

This is it. You can extend is as much as want, as long as you implement the singleErrorExtractorMixin.


The singleErrorExtractorMixin is a vue mixin that provides a few convenient methods and variables for your custom templates.


Method Properties Returns Description
getErrorMessage {String} key, {Object} properties String Gets the error message for the current key. Can be passed an object with additional properties for the validation message.

Deeply nested objects can be passed as properties and accessed via dot notation e.g. 'Error message is {deeply.nested.obj.value}' Nested messages are also supported

Computed properties

Property Returns Description
errors Object Collection of validation error objects for the field. Its a dynamic property, so its in sync with the form field's state.
activeErrors Object Only the active error objects - those that are "dirty".
activeErrorMessages Object Only the active error messages.
mergedMessages Object Collection of messages, from both the local messages prop and the global messages.
firstError Object Returns the first active error object.
firstErrorMessage String Returns the first active error message.
hasErrors Boolean If field has any errors.

Error object

The error object has a structure like:

     "$params": {
        "min": 5
     "$dirty": false,
     "$error": false,
     "$invalid": true,
     "validationKey": "minLength",
     "hasError": true,
     "params": {
       "attribute": "Username",
       "label": "Username",
       "min": 5
  • validationKey - Key by which the messages are extracted. Could be deep dot notation - min.string resolves in { min: { string: 'Field is required' }}

SingleErrorExtractor Props

Prop Type Required Description
label String optional The label to use inside the template. Gets assigned to the :attribute property as well.
validator Vuelidate object required The vuelidate object to pass for each input element. E.g. for the test data property you will have to pass :validator = "$v.test".
messages Object optional The local messages to override the globally provided ones during initialization. This comes in handy when you need to override or its a single use case message. Does not work with i18n mode!
validatorParams Object optional Optional parameters to override or provide to the validation message. Mostly used to provide additional values like in the other property in laravel's same validation. Validator Params
showSingleError Boolean optional Whether to show only a the first active error or all of them.

Multi Error Extractor component

Creating your own multi error component is super easy. You can use our baseMultiErrorExtractor to do that.

In fact that is how the Foundation6 multi error template is implemented.

  <base-multi-error-extractor v-bind="$attrs" style="margin-top: 1rem">
    <template slot-scope="{ errorMessage }">
      <label class="form-error is-visible">{{ errorMessage }}</label>

import { templates } from 'vuelidate-error-extractor'

export default {
  inheritAttrs: false,
  components: {
    baseMultiErrorExtractor: templates.multiErrorExtractor.baseMultiErrorExtractor

The scoped slot exposes both the full error object as well as the errorMessage string.


If you need even more customization, you can use the multiErrorExtractorMixin.

It will provide similar props and computed properties as the singleErrorExtractorMixin.


Method Properties Returns Description
getErrorMessage {String} key, {Object} properties String Gets the error message for the current key. Can be passed an object with additional properties for the validation message.

Computed properties

Property Returns Description
errors Object All validation error objects for the form. Its a dynamic property so its in sync with the form's state.
activeErrors Object The currently active error objects.
activeErrorMessages Object The currently active error messages.
mergedMessages Object Merges both the messages prop and the globally defined ones on init.
firstError Object Returns the first error object.
firstErrorMessage String Returns the first active error message.
hasErrors Boolean If field has any errors.


Prop Type Required Description
validator Vuelidate object required The vuelidate object to pass for each input element. E.g. for the test data property you will have to pass :validator = "$v.test".
messages Object optional The local messages to override the globally provided ones during initialization. This comes in handy when you need to override the messages or its a single use case message. Does not work with i18n mode!
attributes Object optional Object containing key:value pairs of form field and field name. { name: 'User Name', first_name: 'First Name' }. These get added as {attribute} props to each error object.