Usage with other frameworks

Vuelidate-error-extractor is really flexible and can be used with pretty much any Vue UI framework or CSS framework.

Usage with ElementUI

ElementUI has its own validation scheme that uses AsyncValidator. You can however pass custom messages to its el-form-item component.

To do that, you will have to add an el-form wrapping component.

<el-form label-width="120px" size="mini">
  <form-group :validator="$">
      slot-scope="{ firstErrorMessage }"
      label="Activity name"
      <el-input v-model=""/>

This works, but is a bit too much boilerplate for my taste.

I would rather wrap the el-form-item in an invisible component. That way we can skip 2 rows of boilerplate.

  <el-form-item v-bind="$attrs" :label="label" :error='firstErrorMessage'>
  import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
  export default {
    name: "el-form-item-extended", // or what ever you want
    extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
    inheritAttrs: false

You can be more specific with the props that get assigned, but for simplicity this will do.

<el-form label-width="120px" size="mini">
  <el-form-item-extended label="Activity name" :validator="$">
    <el-input v-model=""/>

Live ElementUI example

Usage with iView

iView uses the same mechanics and props as ElementUI. Adapt the above example for it by using Form and FormItem components.

Usage with Framework7

This one is а bit simpler. We just need a simple invisible wrapper.

    <slot :attrs="{ errorMessage: firstErrorMessage, errorMessageForce: hasErrors }" />

  import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from 'vuelidate-error-extractor'
  export default {
    name: 'form-group', // or what ever you want
    extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
    inheritAttrs: false,

Then we use it like so:

<form-group :validator="$">
    slot-scope="{ attrs }"
    placeholder="Enter number" 

Usage with Vuetify

Vuetify's v-text-field can be passed an errorMessages prop that is an array of error messages.

We will pass our activeErrorMessages computed property to v-text-field via a scoped slot.

      :attrs="{ errorMessages: activeErrorMessages, success: isValid }"
import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin

Now we can use it like so:

<form-group :validator="$">
    slot-scope="{ attrs }"
    label="Email with wrapper"

Live Vuetify example

Usage with MintUI

Mint-UI has only one field that supports validation state so its really easy to create a wrapper around it.

  <mt-field :v-bind="$attrs" :state="state" v-model="model"><slot/></mt-field>
import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  name: 'FormGroup',
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
  inheritAttrs: false,
  props: {
      value: {
          type: [Number, String],
          default: null
  computed: {
    model: {
        get () {
            return this.value
        set (value) {
            this.$emit('input', value)
    state () {
      return this.hasErrors ? 'error': 
      this.isValid ? 'success': 

After we register the global component we can use it like so:

<form-group :validator="$" v-model="" label="Some label"/>

Live MintUI example

Usage with MuseUI

This is very similar to how ElementUI and iView work but you pass an error-text prop.

  <mu-form-item v-bind="$attrs" :error-text="firstErrorMessage" :label="label">
import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
  inheritAttrs: false
<form-group :validator="$" attribute="Name">
  <mu-text-field type="password" v-model="name" prop="name"/>

Usage with Quasar

Quasar offers the q-field component, that has an error and a message prop. We can leverage those and create an invisible wrapper around it.

import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  name: "FormGroup",
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
  inheritAttrs: false

Then we can register it globally and use it with q-input or any other form element.

    label="Email with wrapper"
      placeholder="Input Email"

Live Quasar example

Usage with Vue Material

Vue Material uses a very simple wrapper around its inputs to give them error state. Just wrap your input with an md-field and give it a class of md-invalid and you are done.

  <md-field :class="{ 'md-invalid': hasErrors }">
    <label> {{ label }} </label>
    <span class="md-error" v-if="hasErrors">{{ firstErrorMessage }}</span>
import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin

Usage is straight forward

<form-group :validator="$" label="Email Input">

Live Vue Material Example

Usage with BootstrapVue

Bootstrap Vue offers the b-form-group component with invalid-feedback and state props. It expects an error message and a boolean state, so we pass the firstErrorMessage and the isValid.

Added bonus is the scoped slot with attrs and listeners props. You can skip those, but they can reduce boilerplate in the future.

      :attrs="{ state: isValid }"
      :listeners="{ input: () => preferredValidator.$touch() }"
import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";

export default {
  name: "FormElement",
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin

Usage is simple

<form-group :validator="$" label="Email with wrapper">
    slot-scope="{ attrs, listeners }"

Live Bootstrap Vue Example

Usage with Buefy

Buefy exposes the b-field component, which has type and message props. We supply a type of is-danger and the firstErrorMessage to these respectively.

import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
  computed: {
    type() {
      return this.hasErrors ? "is-danger" :
        this.isValid ? "is-success" :
    customClass() {
      return this.hasErrors ? "has-text-danger" :
        this.isValid ? "has-text-success" :

And we use like normal

  label="Email with wrapper"

Live Buefy example

Usage with Vuesax

Vuesax just has one input the vs-input that accepts vs-danger and vs-success as booleans props. You can provide vs-danger-text prop which is waits for a string.

import { singleErrorExtractorMixin } from "vuelidate-error-extractor";
export default {
  name: 'FormInput',
  extends: singleErrorExtractorMixin,
  props: {
      value: {
          type: [Object, String, Number],
          default: null
  computed: {
    model : {
        get () {
            return this.value
        set (value) {
            this.$emit('input', value)

Use it like so:

  label="Name field"